WHOLESALE ACCOUNT SIGN UP Place your orders 24/7, at your convenience Hello Cigar Retailer! It's never been easier to order our cigars. Sign up now for your own wholesale account. We've been selling cigars to retailers since 2007. Our cigars turn very well. You won't believe the profit you will make! Carry something different, a brand that is NOT in every cigar shop. Cary a brand that is NOT sold by the big-box online discounters. We look forward to being your partner. ONCE YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETE, ALL INFORMATION WILL BE REVIEWED FOR APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL AND YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE ACTIVATED. Note: you must login to see wholesale pricing. We are pleased to offer you this new convenient way to shop. We ship Monday - Friday (non Holidays). Shipping is only $9.99 Flat Rate on all shipments! |
IMPORTANT: PLEASE ENTER ALL INFORMATION. You must have a TAX ID (except if based in PA). You can also order by telephone at 267-251-1019
Thank you....Flatbed Cigar Co.
Herf On!